Accreditations & Memberships

Silverstone Technology Cluster:

Sabe Technology is a member of the Silverstone Technology Cluster (STC), a network of businesses specialising in advanced engineering, electronics, and software. The cluster includes businesses located around Silverstone and spanning as far as Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge, and Luton. The STC exists to help businesses in the areas of promotion, support, and thought leadership.


SETsquared Partnership:

SETsquared is a unique enterprise partnership and a dynamic collaboration between the six leading research-led UK universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey. Ranked as the Global No. 1 Business Incubator, the partnership provides a wide range of highly acclaimed support programmes to help turn ideas into thriving businesses. Sabe has joined the partnership in 2021 and currently works with the above universities in R&D projects for the development of new technologies which will feed into our stream of services.


OxCAM Engineering Arc:

We are founding members of OxCAM Engineering Arc, a collaborative partnership that results in the aggregation of complementary skills and resources between three engineering companies. OxCAM Engineering Arc partners offer a wide range of multidisciplinary engineering expertise. Our collaboration makes us stronger, and able to deliver highly cost-effective solutions for clients while maintaining our independence and objective contribution to the success of each project.

Sabe Technology Ltd |  +44 (0) 1327 221427 | [email protected]

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