SABE Trademarks
We are pleased to announce that Sabe Technology now holds UK Trademarks for the words "sabe", "SABE" (UK00003520883) and for our logo (UK00003385171).
Inside Silverstone Podcast
Gerson Garsed-Brand from Sabe Technology was interviewed by Chris Broome from Longhurst as part of the Inside Silverstone Podcast. They talked about Gerson's career, Sabe Technology and the impact of COVID19 on the business:

Sabe Technology joins the Silverstone Technology Cluster
We are pleased to announce that Sabe Technology has joined the Silverstone Technology Cluster (STC), a network of businesses specialised in advanced engineering, electronics and software. The cluster includes businesses located around Silverstone and spanning as far...

Sabe’s One Planet Living Sustainability Action Plan
We have adopted the One Planet Living® framework to develop a sustainable business. This framework comprises ten principles (below), detailed goals and guidance. Please read Sabe’s One Planet Living Sustainability Action Plan (current version 2020-02). We see its...
Introducing Josselin Guillozet
We are very pleased to announce the arrival of Josselin Guillozet to take the position of Technology Director at Sabe Technology. Josselin is an experienced engineer with a strong background in fluid dynamics, numerical simulation and software development, most...

We’re looking for a Low-Carbon Mobility SIG Co-Champion!
We are looking for a Co-Champion to join Sabe's Gerson Garsed-Brand leading the Low-Carbon Mobility Special Interest Group from Oxfordshire Greentech.

New Website, Updated Branding
We are launching today Sabe Technology's new website, designed by Hunter Bevan. With the new site we are introducing our updated branding, the Applied Science division and case studies which demonstrate our experience on the various aspects of thermal and fluid...

Introducing OxCAM Engineering Arc
We are pleased to announce the collaboration partnership OxCAM Engineering Arc, formed by the engineering consultancy companies Transforming Stress, FTS Engineering Answers and Sabe Fluid Dynamics. OxCAM Engineering Arc partners offer consultancy and support in a wide...
Sabe Technology Ltd | +44 (0) 1327 221427 | [email protected]